Virtual Portfolio

Aside from my blog posts, here are some projects that I have worked on. They include various projects from my time as a Business Administration intern for Extra Innings, and some projects done for classes using the Adobe Creative Suite applications. Enjoy!

For more of my online portfolio:

Customizable Gear Flyer

Using Postermywall and Photoshop, I created custom bat and glove orders to create a promotional flyer to send out to all of our members.

NB Metal cleats poster

Using Postermywall and Photoshop, I created various flyers for the 2021 New Balance baseball cleats. Above is the flyer for metal cleats, once again these would be sent out to all of our members.

Bruins 2020 Playoff Tampa preview

Using Photoshop, I created this visual for a preview of the Bruins Playoff series against Tampa Bay. Using the clipping tool, blending tool, and the drawing tool I was able to lay down the start of the visual. I changed the opacity, and switched the view to an overlay. I finally added the text.

Brand member flyer

Using Postermywall and Photoshop, I created a flyer for a member which also included the brands we offer at Extra Innings. This was made for the member to post on their website to show their clients what brands we carry for them.

Big zee end of era photo

Using Photoshop, I created this visual for my post dedicated to Zdeno Chara’s tenure in Boston. I used the clipping tool and the blending tool in the original photo. I changed the levels and the opacity, as well as switching the view to soft light.

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